Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Chemicals and Nanotechnology in Water Purification Essay
Chemicals and Nano applied science in Water Purification - Essay ExampleAs a result, conglomerate industries and other interest groups have hugely invested in nanotechnology researchers as this technology is predicted to be a break-dance alternative to the existing chemical treatments. One of the major issues is that the world has been set about severe irrigate defilement and paucity issues over the last two decades. The existing chemical treatments for water cultivation have been outdated due to their complexity and higher cost. This paper identifies that nanotechnology is a better alternative to the existing chemical treatments as this technology is more cost efficient and eco-friendly. Contents Abstract Introduction 1 1. Chemical treatments for water purification 2 1.1 Advantages 2 1.2 Disadvantages 3 2. Nanotechnology for water purification 5 2.1 Advantages 6 2.2 Disadvantages 8 3. intelligence 8 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Introduction Freshwater is essential for human c hoice and it is a crucial component in many key industries such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food. The world is facing potential challenges in meeting the mounting demands of freshwater due to population growth, extended droughts, increased consumption, environmental pollution, and stringent health-based regulations. Hence, in order to meet the growing freshwater needs of a huge globular population, new methods of water purification have to be invented. Traditionally, industries have been using a variety of chemical treatments to purify water. Recently, nanotechnology has emerged as an alternative to the traditional way of water purification. To define, nanotechnology is the systematic manipulation, production or revise of structures, systems, materials, or components in the range of atomic or molecular dimensions with/into nanoscale dimensions between 1 nm and ascorbic acid nm (Sepeur 2008, p.14). In addition to water purification, the nanotechnology has a wide variety o f applications. Major applications of nanotechnology include diagnostics, do drugs delivery, cryonics, reduction of energy consumption, efficient energy production, nuclear accident cleanup, information and communication applications, aerospace technologies, construction, foods, household, optics agriculture, and sports. While evaluating the nanotechnology developments to date, it seems that this technology leave alone be widely used for water purification in the near future as this method has numerous competitive advantages over traditional chemical treatments.This paper will critically compare the efficiency of chemical methods and nanotechnology in water purification with specific reference to advantages and disadvantages of both the techniques. This paper will also explore the future scope of nanotechnology in water purification. 1. Chemical treatments for water purification heterogeneous industries have been using different methods with different degrees of effectiveness to purify water. Main chemical treatments for water purification are coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, sludge storage and removal, dissolved air flotation, filtration, and disinfection.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Summary of Leviticus 25,26, Numbers 9, Deuteronomy 6 Assignment
Summary of Leviticus 25,26, Numbers 9, Deuteronomy 6 - Assignment fountThis passage is important as it gives the significant celebrations that hoi polloi ought to observe as commanded by God. The Sabbath year, for example, marks a year of breathe as people should not sow or reap in that year, plot of ground the year of Jubilee depicts a time of liberty for the children of God. The Passover helps in reminding people that God saved them from the Egyptians, hence aim a responsibility of obeying Him and loving Him as their only God.The passage shows that God loves His people, as he desires them to rest at various times, instead of working all the time. The Passover also depicts Gods love for globe as he saved them from slavery. More to these, the passage shows that man belongs to God, thus must submit to his commands. Consequently, faithfulness leads to prosperity and long life as depicted in Deuteronomy 62, while disregard for the laws causes coarse suffering. The passage also highlights the importance of keeping the laws and passing them on to future generations, so that all people get to live in accordance with Gods expectations. In addition, the passage relates righteousness to obeying the commands of God. safekeeping all the commands equates to fearing God, and giving thanks to Him for delivering humanity from the bondage of the Egyptian oppressors.Conclusively, the passage seeks to highlight some of the important occasions we should observe in life as required by God.Prosperity follows those who obey, while the perverse are punished for their actions.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
A Portable Printer and Scanner Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Portable Printer and Scanner - Assignment ExampleThis innovation is occurring through experimentation with new approaches to market development in emerging markets. It is important to reposition this produce attracting a wider customer audience often omitted in advertising.High-tech global consumer positioning works head for special interest harvest-times associated with prefessional sphere. Since most mobiel professionasl and students who buy and use high-tech crossroads speak the same language and grant the same mindset, marketing communications of JetLux allow for be informative and emphasize performance-related attributes and features.The target group for the Pentax PocketJet provide be devided into two sub-groups people who work at homesmall offices (2-3 people). A portable pressman JetLux not only allows this group to save time, but it helps to reduce spending on calls to the office and having to face for someone print the documents. This allows Pentax to shift its f ocus to brand image and price reduction measures. to maintained fast growth. establish trustworthiness, confidence, and competence for customers. The Impact of Online and Offline Positioning, and Buyers RespondThe aim of the message is to appeal to consumers mind with unique interchange proposition.Online and off line promotion will inform potential customers about a new product. This product represents boundless opportunities for marketing campaign within flexible geographical boundaries.Offline buyers 1. Many customers do not countenance time to read press or listen to the radio, so in-storedemonstrations will be the main shaft of light to attract new customers. 2. JetLux will be promoted through computer and mobile stores, based on the detail that there is a strong link between the printer and PC businesses. 3. This target group will involve people who have to work outside of the office and need a high flavor printing a low price.4. It is expected that some customers will b uy spontaneously influenced by product demonstrations and evident product benefits. 5. Some of the buyers will go online searching for detailed information and product features. Online buyers 1. The single-valued function of Web site is to inform the market clearly and persuasively about the company and its product characteristics.2. about buyers are driven by success and brand prestige and brand loyalty. Online buyers value good technology which allows to
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Stem Cell Research Legislation Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Stem Cell Legislation - Research root ExampleThis paper shall discuss the autobiography of stem prison cell research legislation in the unify States. It shall discuss how such history compargons with similar statutes around the world. The current legislative state of affairs shall as well be considered, as well as the possible direction of the rightfulnesss in the United States should be taken. discordant studies and literature shall be considered to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Discussion What is the history of Stem Cell Research Legislation in the United States? According to Deem (2004), stem cell research on humans was first seen in the 1960s, with some success achieved in the treatment of a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency dis parliamentary law. Following this success, efforts to achieve a similar success was attempted in the treatment of immunodeficiency disorders and different types of leukemia and blood disorders (Deem, 2004). Based on the success achieved for the abovementioned diseases, many people have show their support for the necessity of stem cell research. ... He claimed that carrying out such type of research is a threat to the unborn human life, and the government must therefore not support such procedures. The 109th and hundred-and-tenth Congress implemented bills which were passel to overturn Bushs position, however Bush vetoed both bills (Science Progress, 2009). In the 109th Congress, both houses approved the bill (subsequently signed by Bush) which prevented the creation of human fetuses which had the sole purpose of destroying them, as well as harvesting their body parts (Cord Bankings, 2010). A bill was also passed in order to support research into the creation of stem cell lines without damaging embryos (CBS, 2009). In 2005, the US Congress set forth the passage of the Stem Cell Research and Therapeutic Act of 2005. This was a national law which established new public di sposeking and research facilities this law was also set to encourage medical practitioners in increasing awareness of cord blood donations to pregnant women (Cord Blood Banking, 2010). President Barack Obama in 2009, ended the ban on allowing federal taxpayer dollars to fund significantly broader research on embryonic stem cells. Obamas stopping point provides support for research on healthier and better ways to create treatment for diseases (CBS, 2009). How does it compare to corresponding statutes in the rest of the world? The controversy regarding the passage of stem cell laws around the world are more or less similar various territories. Most of these laws and countries with stem cell research laws see to agree on the significant difference that the research can bring to various sick individuals. In Africa, there are few laws which regulate embryonic stem cell research and the only artless which actually has a significant research
Friday, April 26, 2019
Investigating children and their childhoods (babies with senorineural Literature review
Investigating children and their childhoods (babies with senorineural listening sacking and developent under 6months) - Literature review ExampleShulman Brian and Capone Nina cogitate that nearly all persons affected with senorineural audience difference usually experience some degree of legal transfer clarity problems and the severity of the loss does not indicate the clarity of the dialect (2009, p.116). Congenital perceive loss is seen in newborn babies in most circumstances either by inheritance or by abnormal development in the foetal stages of a child. A comprehensive research done by Valente, Hosford-Dunn and Roesser found that three out of a thousand children born have parturition defects that results in hearing loss sixty per cent of these being inherited, and seventy per cent of the inherited defects are nonsyndromic while xv to thirty per cent being syndromic (2008, p.251). One of the most common causes of sensorineural hearing loss amongst children is innate cy tomegalovirus, although majority of children affected by this virus have normal hearing. There are indicators present in newborn children that can be used to predict values necessary for the development of loss of hearing with congenital cytomegalovirus infection. ... Congenital hearing loss may also happen after the birth of a child, which is caused by trauma, Menieres disease, age-related loss of hearing presbycusis, and exposure to noise causing machines such as firearms. In order to be able to manage hearing loss, it is advisable to detect senorineural hearing loss at an early stage by the use of high-risk registry. Screening procedures that are conducted in hospitals has big(p) importance in determining audio sensitivity. A child begins learning about language in the womb and staying a minute without sound affects the speech and language development of an infant. Most important domains in the development of a child are speech and language acquisition. A child who has lost spe ech after acquiring language is able to communicate orally than a deaf child. Early appellation of hearing loss enables a child to have high language quotient for development of language as compared to a child who is identified at a later age. From the journal written by Iyer and Oller, at that place is an interpretive advantage in maturation of children (2008, p.120), as children with similar age are supposed to be alike in several aspects of maturity except when affected with factors such as canonical babbling. However, with a difference in other factors such as hearing, children experience difference in maturation. The explanations for late maturity in children with the onset of canonical babbling in infants with typical hearing are the fact that thither are more syllables produced per utterance in sessions of canonicals than when in canonical precessions. The fact that utterances respond to breath, infants with typical hearing problem, who start producing canonical
Thursday, April 25, 2019
The Concept of Healthy Lunch Provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The invention of Healthy Lunch Provision - Essay ExampleRoundabout sixty-five years ago, a eat program for the domesticate children American federal was introduced to make them healthy. During the great depression of the 1930s, the concept of the school eat program was introduced by the provision of a small number of funds through government on the ad hoc basis. But these funds were not enough for each student of every school, and execrable students were in need of solid food due to the stark of world war two. In 1946, a political party Congress take an initial step to pass an Act as a measure of theme security by naming it National School Act. It was a guaranteed law for the food provided to the millions of needy school children. The provision of school lunch program by the government of America not only benefited the children exactly also expanded the range of business communities of agriculture and cafeteria fields on the basis of the subsidized food program. In the start, the program was not as successful due to lack of proper management, but in these days the lunch is totally free of cost for those children whose families have low incomes or belong to poor class (HINMAN). A British TV chef Jamie Oliver stated about the school lunch menus during ABC news program interview that, Children are getting diabetes, heart disease, and all sorts of diseases that only used to show up in adults, because of the food they are eating. We can influence this in a massive way by up at least one daily meal, school lunch. When there was no restriction of lunch commodities by the Government officials, then the school administrations did not care for calorie control strategies and the students were free to whatever they like.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words
Human resource attention - rise ExampleWhile feasibility studies for establishment of adhesivenesss find it important to discuss and evaluate the matters concerning technology, marketing, ownership and management structures human resources is thought to be a subject that can be discussed, after the negotiations are finalized and alliance deal is signed. (Drouin, 2001). While issues of coordination between the workers and managers of two alliance partners remain unresolved, studies eat up confirmed that companies devote only when around 4% of their time for resolving such issues. In addition, the differences between workforces of alliance partners can station complex problems, incase quite a little from different nationalities and ethnic background are involved. (Adler&Ghadar, 1990____________________________________________________FootnotesFor example, high failure account has been recorded among the American expatriates, as American firms neglect specific procedures required for selection and training of their personnel, for working with international assignmentsAlliances and joint moves are distinctly different in working style and management as the unitary domestic companies have particular style of management and human resources functional practice. The issues arise when people from different cultures have to undertake common responsibilities for discharging required functions and job responsibilities under a joint venture functional style. According to Shenkar and Zeira , an international joint venture can have eight different employee groups that have distinct characteristics. These would include executives from host-parent headquarters, host-parent transferees, host ground nationals, third county expatriates having foreign parents, parent country expatriates, third country nationals recruited directly by the IJV, third country expatriates having parents of host country nationality and foreign headquarters
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Public Relations as Relationships Management Essay
Public Relations as Relationships Management - Essay ExampleIt is evidently clear from the discussion that the public relations domain is associated with the processes of communicating and exchanging of ideas related to change in order to handle the argument and facilitate policy-making initiatives. As a result, the public relations personnel look for entering into relationship with the public with the objective of motivating them to acetify in collaboration with their organization for the mutual interests of society and organization. Although the discipline of PR appears to be newer one in theory, yet it has been in vogue practically in all social sectors since the establishment of first give in on the face of the earth. Theories have been articulated and researches have been conducted in order to determine the nature, scope and principles for the discipline. US Public Relations Society defines several components of PR, which include counseling, research, media relations, publicit y, employees & community relations, public affairs, financial issues, communication and untold more. Thus, PR contains vastness in its nature and scope, and encompasses all social, political, financial and religious institutions in its wide scope. It is and so the PR personnel contain heavy responsibilities to perform while rendering their services to the public at large. Public relations function using various types of technology and media, which makes it extremely critical from ethical motive and number perspective. Public relations, according to Wilcox & Cameron, be involved in providing information to the media and have the responsibility of accurate dispersal of information as well as the ability to convince the audience of the messages. Public relations are expected to function in an ethical and professional manner. b. Ethics and Professionalism Like all other professions, PR sector has also determined specific set of ethics for the appropriate functioning of the people a ssociated with it. panorama as a function of public relations is highly debated from ethical standpoint. As a consequence, ethics in public relations are classified into three types, absolute, existential and situational. In public relations, both communication that is formal and professional is believed to be legal, ethical and in good taste however, it must be inadequate manner and for the public interest only. As developing personal contacts come under the rendering of personal relationship, which could be against public interest due to the very reality that it may cause the publicity and projection of favoritism and nepotism in the wake of it. A multi-perspective view of professionalism by various researchers and scholars only proves that professionalism truly helps communication-oriented profession to conduct its work in a logical and systematic fashion that will be unquestioned, at large.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Evaluate the different schools of thought that exist with regard to Essay
appreciate the different schools of thought that exist with regard to stabilisation of business cycles - Essay Example(1) Self-correcting mechanism (2) Keynesian theory of business cycles (3) Real business cycle theory. The self-correcting mechanism states that if any of the major economic problems (inefficiency, mute growth, instability etc.) would occur in the economy then the mechanisms of self interest and invisible hand impart rectify these problems. The self-correcting mechanism was proposed by Adam Smith. He suggested that in any such condition the forces of affect and supply will work automatically and the equilibrium will be restored by self correcting mechanism. alone when the self-correcting mechanism failed badly due to problems such as inflation and unemployment, John Maynard Keynes, the founder of macro economics, disagreed with the phenomenon of self-correcting mechanism. In his theory he has focused on the role of government and the hoard demand. J.M. Keynes has suggested that the higher the level of the come demand, the higher will be the level of employment, supply and economy. In his theory he has discussed the demand incline of the business cycle. He suggested that whenever there is a downfall in the economy the government should increase the aggregate demand through economic policies (fiscal and monetary) and through increase in investment expenditure. According to him a plagiarize in aggregate demand will result in growth in supply, employment, income and economy.
Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
assembly line Report - Essay ExampleEvery formation undertakes Corporate companionable Responsibility (CSR) activities to serve the society it is working in. Barclays undertakes various CSR activities to educate the public about the assorted enthronisation plans and also make them awargon about the rules and regulations of the London Stock Exchange. Ethics of an organisation is defined as the general rules and regulations that are followed for the good conduct of the subscriber line line. Barclay has its own well built ethics which make them different from the other organisations (Wetherly and Otter, 2008). The stakeholders play an important role in the organisation and it can be said that they are the one who are affected by the performance of the organisation. The stakeholders of Barclay are the employees and the investors who are investing in the organisation on the hope of getting good returns. The report also elaborates the current issues that are faced by Barclays which have led them into trouble. Development Barclays Plc is the British multinational financial provider which is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It has its exercise in retail, investment banking, wholesale, mortgage lending, credit cards and wealth management. The performance of the organisation is elaborated under the different heading which is given below. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of FTSE coulomb Index. It also has a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Business Environment Business does not exist in isolation it must operate in a complex and degenerate environment. Figure 1 Firm in its environment (Source Worthington and Britton, 2009) The supra figure shows that how the environmental factors are influencing the business organisation. The outputs of the organisation can get affected by the external environmental factors such as the political and the technological (Worthington and Britton, 2009). The business environment can further be divided into general environment and the contextual environment as given in the figure below. Figure 2 Business Environment (Source Worthington and Britton, 2009) The boilersuit performance of Barclay was affected by the economic turmoil that took place in 2011. Though the capital and the liquid position of the organisation are quite stable in 2011 the economic disturbances are felt in the organisation. In 2011, there was a revision in the forecast of the global GDP. This had a negative conflict on Barclays as the customers were conservative and these made it difficult for the bank to raise the specie. This added a liquidity tweet on Barclays in 2012 (Foster, 2008). The changing rules and regulations by the government made it difficult for the organisation to raise funds from the customers as they did not want to take the risk of losing money. Changing nature of the business environment The business environment is changing every day whether it is political or ec onomic or technological. The business invention is becoming more complex and difficult for the organisations (Lucas, 2000). Figure 3 Changing business environment From the above figure it can be said that from simple and safe business environment that the business use to face no longer existed and presently the organisations was confronting volatile business environ
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Comparison between Country Lovers and The Proposal Essay
coincidence between Country Lovers and The intention - Essay ExampleThen we will analyze the similarities and differences between a short story and play. Whether a literary piece is a short story or play, as long as they are categorized in the same theme there will constantly be similarities, with that being said regardless of similarities when comparing two literary works differences can perpetually be found as well. The short story, Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer, is story about two infantren from dissimilar ethnicities who formed a relationship that later turned sexual. This story takes place on a southernmost African farm, where ethnicity had a major influence on how people were classified. Being a person with fresh skin, one automatically had superiority over a person with black skin. The boy, Paulus Eysendyck, was fond of Thebedi, the daughter of the help. For years, Paulus went plunk for and forth to school and every time he was home, he engaged in secret activitie s with Thebedi. As they grew older, their relationship turned sexual and eventually a child was created. Paulus was unaware of the child until after birth. Thebedi had conjoin Njabulo, even though Njabulo knew that the child was not his. When Paulus returned for the holi daylights from veterinary school, he was surprised to hear Thebedi had a child and rushed to her home to see the child. The next day he returned and poisoned the child. Paulus was charged with murder and a tribulation began. Thebedi appeared at the court date with a new child in distribute by her maintain Njabulo, only to find out that he was a free man. The evidence was circumstantial to the courts and another colour man gets away with murder. The objective of this story was to express the issues racial relationships faced in the South Africa from 1949-1994 (Driver, 1994). The Proposal by Anton Chekhov is a play that displayed how one word or sentence can send an workaday conversation down a path of no return . The play is a one act comic farce set during Chekhovs Russia, a time when marriage was seen as a way of gaining sparing wealth for a majority of the people. In this play, the marriage concept is satirized to show the real purpose of marriage, which is for moneymaking(a) gain as opposed to true love. Ivan VassilevitchLomov was the neighbor of Stephan StepanovitchChubukov, and his daughter Natalya Stephanovna. Ivan came to Stephans home one day to bespeak for Natalyas hand in marriage. Stephan was overjoyed and agreed to the marriage. Stephan went and got Natalya so Ivan and her can talk. Before Ivan could ask the question they began to argue about a small area of land and who it belonged to. That went on for a teeny while, until Ivan left. Once Stephan found out Ivan left, he told Natalya why Ivan came. Natalya begged her get down to return Ivan. Once he returned the father brought up marriage, Ivan and Natalya agreed and then they kissed. The content of both stories is simil ar but different. They both involve a male and female engaged in some sort of relationship. In the Country Lovers, the two grew up together and gradually built a relationship. Whereas in The Proposal, Ivan and Natalya were long time neighbors and Ivan felt he was getting old so he asked a woman who he knew for a long time hand in marriage. Paulus and Thebedis relationship was forbidden because of race, but Ivan and Natalya
Saturday, April 20, 2019
India and Pakistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
India and Pakistan - Essay ExampleIndia has struggled for survival form various invaders from different religions. All invaders try their best to loot the rich properties India possessed during period of their invasion.The first Anglo-French war took place in the grade 1748. Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-aulah was defeated the slope in the Battle of Plassey in the twelvemonth 1757. Again in that location was a war between French and the English defeated the French. In the family 1761, the ruler of Afghanistan, Ahmed shah Abadi conquered the Marathas spacious warriors in the Battle of Panipat third.The English gained the Rights in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in the year 1765. Clive Lord has become governor in Bengal during this period. There was a first Mysore war during 1767-69 between the British and Hyder Ali of Mysore. The English had secured the Northern circars in the year 1766. The British in their parliament passed the Regulatory Act in the 1773. Warren Hastings has ascended the tone down of Governor of Bengal in the year 1772. The first Anglo-Maratha was taken place during the period 1775-1782. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was born in the year 1780 that had struggled with the British for safeguarding his people in the second Mysore war the English defeated the Hyder Ali during the period 1780-84. ... The English ahs crushed the Marathas in the second Anglo-Marathas war at Assaye. Sir Arthur Wellesley led the English. Lord William Bentick became the Governor General of Bengal in the year 1828 who had subsequently, successfully brought prohibition of sati in the year 1829 in to force by removing age elder customs followed by the people of North in particular this Act was welcomed by most of the communities in India and gave them a sounding support. During the period 1845-46, the English defeated the Sikhs after the death of Maharaja Ranjit singh who died in the year 1839. Lord Dalhousie has become the Governor General of Bengal in the year 1848. First Indian Railway was determined form Bombay to thane in the year 1868. In the year 1858, Indian Government was taken over by the British crown. The important Acts such as Indian penal code, Indian councils and Indian High Courts came into cosmos and force. The queen of England has proclaimed the empresss of India in the year 1877. The Britishers gave Mysore state back to their original rules in the year 1881.In the year 1911, the imperial capital shifted form Calcutta to Delhi, The First World War broke out in the year 1914. The Indian National congress consisting of Hindus and Muslims had made Annie Besant as the president in the year 1917.Montague reforms committee offered exceptional provincial autonomy Indians in the year 1919. In this year the massacre was broke out in Jallianwala bagh where some hundreds Sikhs were killed by the British in a congregation. The Indian national congress gave a recall to observe movement, non-cooperation. British clothiers were burnt. Students did not attend colleges. Lawyers left the practice in the courts in the year
Friday, April 19, 2019
Management Style essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management Style - Essay ExampleIn order to ensue in management, managers should possess some qualities. One of the qualities of a good manager is creativity. Creative managers assimilate the ability to cover out projects within the organization effectively and efficiently. Moreover, creativity enables managers to combine all the organizations resources and lend oneself them to enhance growth within the organization. The other quality that makes managers successful is through being team players. straightforward managers always ensure that they work with teams of employees and supervise the activities of each team to ensure that all team members ar participating. Commitment is another good quality that a manager ought to possess a manager should be committed to the success of the projects that the organization undertakes. With a committed manager, other employees in the organization can succeed even during trying times (Buchbinder, 2012).Buchbinder (2012) asserts that good manag ers should also be flexible and versatile. This implies that they can change their deportment based on the prevailing situation within the organization. In addition, flexibility enables managers to be open and helpful to the views, opinions, and ideas of junior employees. Another good quality of manager is knowledge managers should be well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge active management. Managers who are knowledgeable help employees learn about crucial aspects that enhance success and career growth. concord to Buchbinder (2012), some managers possess poor qualities that can contribute to strained relationships with employees. One of the poor qualities that managers may have is being bullies. Some managers bully junior employees this can be in the form of belittling and scare employees. This negatively affects the morale of employees and, in the long run, it can contribute to poor performance of the
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Consumer Personality Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Consumer Personality Theories - Essay ExampleHorney class individuals, on the context of child-parent relationship, as either-Compliant Personality - one who desires to be loved, wanted, and appreciated by others. Aggressive Personality - one who moves against or competes with others, desires to excel and win admiration. uninvolved Personality - one who seeks stimulated & behavioural freedom from others, desires independence, self-sufficiency and freedom from obligations. Cohens Extension Study - In further extending Horneys classification, Cohen posited the relationship among the 3 orientations and consumer bearing. In the study, Cohen implemented a CAD scale (a Likert-type instrument of thirty-five items) measuring 15 items based on product usage, brand usage, and media preferences (Berkman and Gilson). Cohens Hypothesis - Cohen propounded that consumers can be classified into-Compliant - potential inclined to respond favorably to products enhancing social relations Aggressive - inclined towards products associated with status and successful images Detached - inclined towards products appealing to their independent nature 2.C. Trait Theory Trait theory proposes the use of traits - Allport defines traits as the attributes that make a person functional and identify the given person (Berkman and Gilson) - as the factors that construct spirit and by which behavior is influenced. Berkman and Gilson indicated that there is no consensus as to a set of traits applicable to all individuals. The terzetto assumptions of this theorya. Assumes that individuals possess relatively stable behavioral tendenciesb. People differ in... Social-psychological theorists assert that social factors ought to be considered the key determinants of personality (Engel and Blackwell). Karen Horney, a proponent of the social-psychological theory, further developed the theory through her taxonomy of personality orientation. Horney classified individuals, on the context of child-parent relationship, as either-Cohens Extension Study - In further extending Horneys classification, Cohen posited the relationship surrounded by the 3 orientations and consumer behavior. In the study, Cohen implemented a CAD scale (a Likert-type instrument of thirty-five items) measuring 15 items based on product usage, brand usage, and media preferences (Berkman and Gilson).Trait theory proposes the use of traits - Allport defines traits as the attributes that make a person functional and identify the given person (Berkman and Gilson) - as the factors that construct personality and by which behavior is influenced. Berkman and Gilson indicated that there is no consensus as to a set of traits applicable to all individuals. The three assumptions of this theoryWith the bankers acceptance of the Big Five factor model of personality in recent years, congruity in regards to a set of common t
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11
Book review - Essay ExampleThe countersign gives a detailed of various stages of achieving this innovational mind. Furthermore, the book explains how various strategies can be geared towards adopting these characters and can beat nay-sayers who asphyxiate innovation.Through faultfinding assessment, the book provides an insight into creating a culture of innovation that through analysis a process that needs fewer organizational heroes and more systematic technique or approaches. This can be attributed to the fact that more businesses today operate in a competitive and dynamic world, and proper and calculated strategies are a surest way to effective innovation. One can agree with tomcat Kelley that assigning roles, as opposed to systems, is a breakthrough that no a system engineer or accountant would consider. One can likewise agree that the book Ten Faces of Innovation is a perfect guide for innovation like no other.What is most noteworthy and unique is the book addressing of d esign sector as an inherently collaborative network. The book has uniquely identified the sector as an area where multidisciplinary professionals labor unneurotic to provide a firmness of purpose to a problem. Moreover, the book unique portrayal of design thinking as a key contribution used by other businesses is noteworthy. The book states that it is common practice for many designers who take a user-centered techniques to their work, to co-design together with their user group or combine forces with complementary fields (engineers, anthropologists, psychologists) to attain a more stark(a) and considered solution. The book surprisingly aims to share with the writers the key to successful, innovative strategies in various organizations.After reading the work, thither are a lot that one can learn from the opinions provided by Tom Kelley. There is a lot that one may learn from the book as it offers full of encouraging practical tools and anecdotes Tom Kelley
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Stylistic - the Bluest Eye Essay Example for Free
Stylistic the Bluest Eye EssayIn the pass get along with from The Bluest Eye, pen by Toni Morrison, the author writes about difficult challenges that non only the young girls in the book constitute to face but everyone of that snip has to endure. Taking place in the 1940s the author uses legion(predicate) rhetorical devices to demonstrate life at the eon, such as The Great Depression, and the realization young girls grow up to find. The early 1940s brought about the end of The Great Depression leaving the country in frugal turmoil. Growing up in this time could non have been easy families were split apart in search for jobs, and nothing would grow on the dry grounds.In the passage Claudia reflects over a time in the life when she remembers nothing would grew and having to face difficult challenge of growing up. The passage starts with Claudia saying thither were no marigolds in the fall of 1941 an allusion to the ending of The Great Depression, a time of economic hard ship, started by the frequent market crash and the lack of crop yielded. Claudia reflects back now understanding what was happening saying our seeds were not the only ones that did not sprout.Claudia continues on admitting but so deeply concerned we were with the health and synthetic rubber of Pecolas baby explaining that Claudia and her sister pose marigold, thinking that if they sprouted it would bring about the safe and hale delivery of Pecolas baby. The author uses a popular quilocial symbolism of the south at the time to convey the antic Claudia and her sister are attempting to bring about we could think nothing but of our own magic if we planted the right seed and said the right words, everything would be alright.It was common in the south at the time for the blooming of marigolds to represent life, the author uses this quiloquial symbolism to make the reader understand the magic the young girls vox populi they possessed. In the last part of the passage the author uses a smilie to convey Claudias now mature imagination of what happened. Claudia says we had dropped our seeds in our little fleck of black dirt like Pecolas father had dropped his seeds in his own plot of black dirt. This simile conveys that Claudia now understands that Pecolas father impregnated his daughter, comparing it to her planting the marigolds.In the abutting line the author uses a sharp juxtaposition comparing the girls innocence and Pecolas fathers lust, some battalion after the Depression were left distraught facing mental illness Pecolas Father is a presentation of the unstable mental state of many people at the end of the 1940s. Claudia realized that not everything in life was magical and would always be ok, he innocence was lost with this realization, like many young girls coming to terms with this same realization, many of whom had never faced economic hardship.Claudia reflects for the last time saying her innocence was lost and all that was left was the unyielding earth. Like many girls her age she realizes in the end that not all people are good, and things are not always release to be ok, this loss of innocence helped her to grow and mature. Following The Great Depression the country lay in an economic reaction that brought about despair and loss of hope for many people.This despair made many people mentally unstable, up until then many young girls had not had the chance to experience this grapheme of hardship, like Claudia the were forced to grow up in order to survive. Claudias story is a representation of the struggles a young girl faced growing up in the 1940s. It was a time when childhood fairytales were undefended leaving the whole country feeling as if they had lost some of there innocence as well. The earth did not produced as it always had throwing the delicate stock market out of balance, no marigolds bloomed for the States in the 1940s.
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